The East-West Parliamentary Practice Project (EWPPP), headquartered in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan nongovernmental organization founded in 1990 as a joint initiative of the European Cultural Foundation (NL) and the Ford Foundation (US) with the aim of providing support for parliaments in the newly emerging democracies in Central/Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

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Instilling oversight mechanisms for the Kosovo Assembly to monitor effectively and enhance the accountability of independent agencies and institutions Programme Development

Instilling oversight mechanisms for the Kosovo Assembly to monitor effectively and enhance the accountability of independent agencies and institutions

Programme Development

Project partners: Assembly of Kosovo, Institute for Development Policy (INDEP)

Project Summary

The Assembly of Kosovo is the newest parliament in the region. Since its first session in 2008, a lot has been done to enhance and reinforce the legislative and oversight capacities of the Assembly. This project aims at ensuring the highest accountability standards when dealing with the independent agencies and institutions. It will further empower parliament to monitor and oversee the regulatory bodies and better inform the citizens about the role of the independent agencies in their daily lives.

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