The East-West Parliamentary Practice Project (EWPPP), headquartered in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan nongovernmental organization founded in 1990 as a joint initiative of the European Cultural Foundation (NL) and the Ford Foundation (US) with the aim of providing support for parliaments in the newly emerging democracies in Central/Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

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Activities 1997

Activities 1997

Kishinev, Moldavia 27 February – 1 March 1997

Moldovan workshop: Aspects of Parliamentary Practice –  the Organisation and Activities of Parliament, and the Relations between Parliament and Government

Yerevan, Armenia 24-25 March 1997

Armenian workshop: Parliaments and Political Parties

Bucharest, Hungary 2-3 April 1997

Romanian workshop: The Role of Parliamentary Committees and Parliamentary Research Services (In cooperation with the Institute for East-West Studies in Prague, within the framework of the Legislative Issues Service programme.)

Novosibirsk, Russia 9-10 June 1997

Russian workshop: Federalism and Regional Policy: Problems of Relations among Federal Bodies of Power, Governmental Bodies of the Subjects of the Federation, and Bodies of Local Self-Government

Barcelona, Spain 21-24 September 1997

Russian-Catalonian workshop: Regional State: Distribution and Balance of Powers between Central and Regional Governing Bodies

Sofia, Bulgaria 2-3 October 1997

Bulgarian workshop: The Role of Parliamentary Committees and Parliamentary Research Services (In cooperation with the Institute for East-West Studies in Prague, within the framework of the Legislative Issues Service programme.)

Gudauri, Georgia 6-7 October 1997

Georgian workshop: The Territorial Organisation of the State: Achievements and Risks of Federalisation and Decentralisation

Yerevan, Armenia 27-28 October 1997

Armenian workshop: Means and Procedures of Parliamentary Control

The Hague, The Netherlands 19-21 November 1997

Romanian-Bulgarian workshop: Study tour of Romanian and Bulgarian MPs and Parliamentary Staff to the House of Representatives of the Dutch Parliament (In cooperation with the Institute for East-West Studies in Prague, within the framework of the Legislative Issues Service programme.)

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