07 Feb Activities 1993
Activities 1993
Kiev, Ukraine 3-6 March 1993
Ukrainian workshop: Parliaments, Prime Ministers, and Presidents: Relations among Branches of Democratic Governments
Brussels/Eupen, Belgium, 5-8 May 1993
International workshop: Parliaments and the Protection of the Rights of Minorities in Multicultural Societies for parliamentarians from 15 Central, East and South-East European countries (Part I)
Warsaw/Katowice, Poland 17-19 June 1993
Polish workshop: Legislative Management of the Social Consequences of the Restructuring of Industry in Poland
Tirana, Albania 5-7 July 1993
Albanian workshop: Parliamentary Practice
Budapest, Hungary 20-23 October 1993
International workshop: Parliaments and the Protection of the Rights of Minorities in Multicultural Societies for members of parliament from 15 Central, East, and South-East European countries (Part II)
The Hague, The Netherlands 30 November – 2 December 1993
Ukrainian – Dutch workshop: Parliaments and Economic Policy
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