The Hague, 13-17 September 1990
International seminar: Parliaments and the Transition towards Democracy
The Hague, 30 November – 2 December 1993
Ukrainian – Dutch workshop: Parliaments and Economic Policy
The Hague, 14-21 June 1995
Belarussian – Dutch – British workshop: Parliamentary Practice and Procedure
Amsterdam, 5-6 December 1996
Meeting of EWPPP Local Consultative Committees and Programme Advisers
The Hague, 19-21 November 1997
Romanian-Bulgarian workshop: Study tour of Romanian and Bulgarian MPs and Parliamentary Staff to the House of Representatives of the Dutch Parliament (In cooperation with the Institute for East-West Studies in Prague, within the framework of the Legislative Issues Service programme.)
The Hague, 10-12 March 1998
Dutch-Georgian parliamentary workshop: Legal Regulation of the Media
The Hague, 10-12 March 1999
Albanian-Dutch parliamentary workshop: Foundations of Democracy: Parliamentary Practice in Democratic Society
Amsterdam, 19 May 2000
EWPPP’s tenth anniversary meeting Concluding a Decade of Change: New and Necessary Strategies for Further Strenghtening Parliamentary Democracy in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe
The Hague, 19-23 March 2001
Dutch-Albanian parliamentary workshop: Parties in Parliament
The Hague, 17-20 January 2002
Dutch-Albanian interparliamentary roundtable debate: Parties in Parliament
The Hague, 18-22 October 2003
Working visit of a delegation from the Assembly of Kosovo to the Dutch Parliament
Santpoort, 16-18 April 2004
Working Group Meeting with Representatives of the Assembly of in the Netherlands
The Hague, 5-9 September 2004
Study Visit of Kyrgyz MPs to the Parliament of the Netherlands
The Hague, 5-11 September 2005
Working Visit of the Parliamentary Staff of the Future Afghan Parliament to the House of Representatives of the States General of the Netherlands
The Hague 29 January-2 February 2006
Working Visit of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, the Assembly of the Republic of Montenegro, and the State Union Assembly of Serbia and Montenegro visited the Parliament of the Netherlands and the European Parliament.
The Hague 29 October 2 November 2006
Young Politicians Study Visit of MPs from the Parliaments of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia participated in a three-day training programme on political leadership, negotiations and EU affairs at the Clingendael Institute in the Hague, the Netherlands.
The Hague, 31 October – 3 November 2007
Working visit of the Georgian Parliamentary delegation to the Dutch Parliament: Economic Good Governance and Parliamentary Oversight
The Hague, 23-26 November 2008
Working Visit of the Representatives of the Parliament of Armenia to the Parliament of the
The Hague, 7-11 February 2010
Clingendael individual training of members of the Albanian Parliement
The Hague, 16 – 19 March 2010
Working Visit of the Representatives of the Assembly’s Committee for Budget
and Finance to the Parliament of the Netherlands